I understand that we have many problems in Malaysia. Issues concerning poverty, education, race and religion are rife but we have a government that puts its own political agenda ahead of everything else.
We have an ex-prime minister who thinks himself indispensable to the continued well-being of Umno and (wonders never cease!) the well being of our nation too!
The wife of our prime minister thinks herself to be the First Lady of Malaysia. And then there are those ‘belum bersunat’ ministers who think they are God’s gift to us all.
We have still to go into corruption, bribery, a tainted judiciary, a civil service no longer professional or competent and without humility towards those they serve and the list goes on. But these are our problems.
If Malaysians overseas take it upon themselves to do what they can to better our country through whatever means at their disposal, they are at liberty to do so. Malaysia is still their country.
If our government chooses to discuss, negotiate and make agreements with foreign countries for economic or defense purposes, they are also at liberty to do so just as long as our sovereignty is protected.
What we do not want is for Malaysian political leaders, whether from BN or Pakatan, going to the US, Australia, Indonesia or to any foreign leader or government to seek help to advance their own political agenda.
It is a despicable act because the internal problems of our country should be resolved internally. It is not the concern of anybody else who do not call Malaysia home.
Malaysians must solve problem
I do not see Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak running to any foreign leader to ask for assistance to help win the 13th general election. This is not the case with Anwar Ibrahim.
Aisehman! Saya malu bila saya dengar Australia dan Indonesia telah di minta oleh Anwar untuk menolongnya di pilihan raya yang baru berlepas!
Why am I ashamed? Because if you have an ounce of grey matter, you will know what these countries will do.
Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono thanked Anwar for briefing him on the situation in Malaysia, and then told him very politely that he cannot and will not interfere in the internal affairs of another sovereign nation.
Australia’s foreign minister, Bob Carr, will say Canberra was prepared to work with either the opposition parties or the ruling Barisan Nasional, but Australia will not interfere in the electoral process of a sovereign country.
It is our battle
Anwar, we know that the odds are against you. We face the same odds too! Nothing works in this country unless you grease it with money!
Our votes cannot put in the government we want in Putrajaya and day in and day out we are all kicked around like a football on the soccer field.
We endure a repressive and corrupt government that we want to crush. And this we have been failing to do for a good many years but we have not asked those who do not call Malaysia their home to help us.
There is still such a thing as pride and the belief within ourselves that sooner if not later, we will rid ourselves of this BN government by ourselves.
So please Anwar, leave America, Australia, Indonesia or even Israel and any other country out of the internal affairs of our country.
Think first before you go and do any more of those ridiculous stunts which only serves to make many of us fear what you will do if you are ever the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
CT Ali is a reformist who believes in Pakatan Rakyat’s ideologies. He is a FMT columnist.
We have an ex-prime minister who thinks himself indispensable to the continued well-being of Umno and (wonders never cease!) the well being of our nation too!
The wife of our prime minister thinks herself to be the First Lady of Malaysia. And then there are those ‘belum bersunat’ ministers who think they are God’s gift to us all.
We have still to go into corruption, bribery, a tainted judiciary, a civil service no longer professional or competent and without humility towards those they serve and the list goes on. But these are our problems.
If Malaysians overseas take it upon themselves to do what they can to better our country through whatever means at their disposal, they are at liberty to do so. Malaysia is still their country.
If our government chooses to discuss, negotiate and make agreements with foreign countries for economic or defense purposes, they are also at liberty to do so just as long as our sovereignty is protected.
What we do not want is for Malaysian political leaders, whether from BN or Pakatan, going to the US, Australia, Indonesia or to any foreign leader or government to seek help to advance their own political agenda.
It is a despicable act because the internal problems of our country should be resolved internally. It is not the concern of anybody else who do not call Malaysia home.
Malaysians must solve problem
I do not see Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak running to any foreign leader to ask for assistance to help win the 13th general election. This is not the case with Anwar Ibrahim.
Aisehman! Saya malu bila saya dengar Australia dan Indonesia telah di minta oleh Anwar untuk menolongnya di pilihan raya yang baru berlepas!
Why am I ashamed? Because if you have an ounce of grey matter, you will know what these countries will do.
Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono thanked Anwar for briefing him on the situation in Malaysia, and then told him very politely that he cannot and will not interfere in the internal affairs of another sovereign nation.
Australia’s foreign minister, Bob Carr, will say Canberra was prepared to work with either the opposition parties or the ruling Barisan Nasional, but Australia will not interfere in the electoral process of a sovereign country.
It is our battle
Anwar, we know that the odds are against you. We face the same odds too! Nothing works in this country unless you grease it with money!
Our votes cannot put in the government we want in Putrajaya and day in and day out we are all kicked around like a football on the soccer field.
We endure a repressive and corrupt government that we want to crush. And this we have been failing to do for a good many years but we have not asked those who do not call Malaysia their home to help us.
There is still such a thing as pride and the belief within ourselves that sooner if not later, we will rid ourselves of this BN government by ourselves.
So please Anwar, leave America, Australia, Indonesia or even Israel and any other country out of the internal affairs of our country.
Think first before you go and do any more of those ridiculous stunts which only serves to make many of us fear what you will do if you are ever the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
CT Ali is a reformist who believes in Pakatan Rakyat’s ideologies. He is a FMT columnist.